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Friday, June 19, 2009

Anne & Sean's Wedding Day!

I had the extreme pleasure of meeting this adorable couple last year, and was so excited to finally photograph their engagement session.

Some Wedding dates were moved around and I suddenly found that I wouldn't be able to photograph their Wedding. We invited my friend and colleague, Rachel Gracie as the associate photographer to capture their day with them. Though I wasn't there with them, their photos reflect the story of their Wedding day and what a beautiful couple they are, ~ they were beaming the whole day through.
Anne got ready at her parents house, and the ceremony and reception took place at the Colgate Divinity School

Here's Anne's mom helping her to get ready...so sweet!

So beautiful!!

Someone's about to get married! :)

All the girls at the house...just radiant

The dashing groom :)

and all his men ...

The Wedding invitation ~ and what beautiful flower baskets!

Here comes the bride!

You may now kiss the bride


What a perfectly beautiful celebration ~ Congratulations Anne and Sean! I'm so happy for you!!

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