Welcome !

Thank you for visiting my blog! I love being able to share my experiences with you through my stories and photographs! There's lots of helpful tips in here too whether planning a Wedding, or just looking into getting some cool Senior portraits, the blessing of a baby, or cherished time with your pet. You can follow me on Facebook too! Just click the link to the right.
Please check back often, leave a comment, or just feel free to say "hi!"
(And p.s. if you click on a picture...most of them will enlarge on a new screen so you can see them full scale.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Albums!

After searching high and low for albums that both provide exceptional service, to me the photographer, and offer both modern and traditional styles for my couples to choose from; I'm so excited to say that I have found what I've been looking for!
I'm waiting to receive the actual book so stay tuned for pictures of that...so for now, I am going to post the sample pages I created to fill it.
Please keep checking back for updates - you're gonna want one!!
Here's the cover - the right side is the actual cover and the left side would wrap around to the back

The right side first page (the left side would be a coverlette black page)

The spreads are 10x20 long with seamless mid sections

Stay tuned - lots of great new stuff on the way!

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