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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Heart Gallery on Oprah!

I am an avid Oprah follower, and was so surprised and exhilarated to watch a story this week about the Heart Gallery; which I am a part of. The Heart Gallery provides professional portraits of children waiting to be adopted through photography shows across America. The story on Oprah was about a little girl who had been rescued after 6 years of being completely neglected by her mother in a devastated home, being completely secluded from any human contact. At 6 years old, her brain functioned like that of a 6 month old baby. It's too sad to go into any further detail about her conditions, so I'd like to focus on the inspiring story that followed her rescue. The couple that has adopted her first saw her picture at a Heart Gallery show. Typically, during the opening of the shows, the children are there to meet and greet and get to know their potential new parents. In this case, the little girl wasn't at the show. The woman saw the little girls portrait from across the room and was instantly drawn to her. Listening to her new parents on the show, I was so moved by the strength and compassion they have to have to protect and raise this little girl. My heart goes out to them, and I thank them so much for giving this little girl a new life filled with love ... something she's never known.

Here is a link to the Oprah show:


I feel SO blessed and honored to participate, as I always have, in this organization, especially now that I've seen just what is possible through these portrait shows they provide. I am so thankful to at least provide the possibility of an adoption through the Heart Gallery.


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