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Monday, August 11, 2008

Congratulations Lisa & Sean !!

Wow, what a perfect day for a Wedding. The forecast predicted storms for most of the day and we were incredibly fortunate to have sunny skies the whole day and evening! When I first arrived at Terry Hills and saw Lisa all dressed up in the bridal room, I was greeted by her sweet smile and the cutest giggle. She was gorgeous and grinning from ear to ear. All the girls and her parents were in there with her as we waited for the ceremony to begin.

The ceremony and reception both took place at Terry Hills, so I was able to get some reception shots as we waited for the ceremony. The aqua color was so fun !

Sean and the guys were hanging out and helped setup the ceremony arbor and some of the details. They were having so much fun together!

At one point I went back to check on the girls, and they were about to do a peach schapps shot!
So cute ~ cheers !

The ceremony was beautiful...the sun was shining, brilliant blue skies, and the most beautiful vows I have had the privilege to hear. They wrote their own, and I'm sure there wasn't a dry eye to be seen.

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Kelly !!

Lisa was beaming ~ so adorable !!

The newlyweds!!

Introductions and toasts were made and the festivities began! The dinner was incredible and everyone was having such a great time!

Everone mingled after dinner, and then the cake was cut ~ these two were so sweet with everything that the did. Even cutting the cake there was so much consideration between the two of them....and the colors were so festive too...the aqua and blue was everywhere in the room.

After the cake was cut there was lots and lots and lots of dancing! The DJ, Pied Piper did a great job making sure everyone was dancing and at one point Sean picked Lisa up in his arms on the dance floor!

Before I left, I wanted to get a few more shots of them as the sun was setting. The grounds at Terry Hills are so beautiful and we had such a variety of backdrops available to us.

Congratulations Lisa & Sean ~ your Wedding day was so beautiful and so much fun and I wish you both so much happiness in your marriage ~ have fun !

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