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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nick and Megan's Wedding Day

My last Wedding took me to Buffalo,NY where I had the incredible opportunity to photograph one of the sweetest couples I've ever had the privilege to meet. Nick and Megan's Wedding Day was beautiful....HOT, but beautiful. I always love getting to take pictures of the bride getting ready before heading to the church. They are some of the most genuine pictures ever taken and I just love it. After the ceremony, we took pictures at the local Firehouse which was a blast ~ Nick is a Fireman and it was something they both really wanted to do. The trucks even showed up outside the church after the ceremony !

We had fun taking formals at a park and then headed to the reception where everyone had an amazing time.

They even had a Firetruck Cake!!

Thank you Nick and Megan for including me in your special day ~ I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity! Happy Honeymoon1

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