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Thank you for visiting my blog! I love being able to share my experiences with you through my stories and photographs! There's lots of helpful tips in here too whether planning a Wedding, or just looking into getting some cool Senior portraits, the blessing of a baby, or cherished time with your pet. You can follow me on Facebook too! Just click the link to the right.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mothers Day special

From time to time, I will be offering specials specifically to my Facebook fans.
Click here to see my profile, become a fan, and start saving on the smiles of your lives.

Thank you to Carol and her daughter Molly for taking advantage of my special Mothers Day session! Mothers are an inspiration to me. I commend you, for all that you have done and for all that you do, day in and day out to raise your children. They joined me in celebration as we took a few moments to capture their smiles together ~ a complimentary gift for my Facebook moms!

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