As soon as I got to Katie's home, I was greeted by their family dog Daisy ~ SO friendly and cute!
They let her outside so she wouldn't get too excited while the girls were getting ready but she kept popping up outside the window to see what was going on ... adorable.

Katie was already in her gown when I went up to see her and when I peeked in her mom was helping her to get her jewelry on ...she was truly breathtaking. Her dress was very sparkly and romantic and she beaming from ear to ear.

They let Daisy back in once everyone was ready to go so she could visit.

We took some quick photos in the backyard of Katie, her girls, and her mom and then it was off to the church! Luke had his groomsmen all around him I could tell he was really excited and anxious to see Katie.

Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs.!

I love receiving lines... the expressions on the guests faces when they finally make their way up to the bride and groom are genuinely happy and excited for the newlyweds.

Katie's flowers were so pretty ...classic bride

It started to drizzle just a smidge, but we didn't let it get in our way ...umbrellas to the rescue...and they make for cute pictures too I think.

After the church formals, we headed over to Casa Larga Vineyards, and somehow never got caught in the rain...we were really really lucky. The vineyards were a beautiful setting for our pictures, and they had a great time. Champagne and appetizers came out and the bridal party caught their second wind. :)

I love that Katie dipped Luke...classic.

mistletoe grapes!

Casa Larga always does an amazing job setting up their reception room...and the windows make for a beautiful backdrop.

cocktail hour mingling on the deck

Announcements, and their first dance with everyone gathered around them


The Best Man made a card for every role that Luke played followed by a story, ending on was a great speech.

They played the 'pass the dollar' game, and things got a little c.r.a.z.y.!

Took a few more pictures during dinner...such a romantic place.


Bouquet toss!

Lots and Lots of girls!

Congratulations Katie & Luke ~ your Wedding was beautiful and so much fun!
**Katie and Luke's Wedding is now online! Go to / Enter the site, and click 'Online Orders' / click on their name, enter your email address and the password is the couples new last name - Enjoy!**